Why I do what I do
Why I do what I do
I’m passionate about helping my members determine their financial goals. We work together to create a plan based on their unique needs.
I serve members in…
North Georgia and the greater Atlanta area.
I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…
life insurance, annuities, stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds and variable annuities.
I enjoy working with…
families and individuals, those approaching retirement, small-business owners, and those who are self-employed. I find fulfillment in helping each group meet their unique needs.
I am very proud of…
being recognized as Modern Woodmen's Fraternalist of the Year in North Georgia in 2011, 2014 and 2016, as well as many other awards and recognitions as a Modern Woodmen representative.
Before Modern Woodmen, I…
worked in hospitality management for about 10 years.
I chose Modern Woodmen because…
I truly believe in its operating principles. Modern Woodmen allows me to have a fulfilling career by making it possible for me to give back to my local community through the fraternal side of the organization.
The best part of my career is…
receiving thank-you cards and notes from members who are appreciative of the work we have done together to positively impact their lives.
A favorite moment in my career was when…
I hired a full-time assistant to help me bring all of the work I'm doing for families and individuals to the next level.