Why I do what I do
Why I do what I do
I’m passionate about helping my members determine their financial goals. We work together to help create a plan based on their unique needs.
I serve members in…
San Antonio and all of South Texas.
I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…
life insurance and annuities.
I enjoy working with…
families, small-business owners and those approaching or in retirement.
I attended…
Texas Lutheran University
I am very proud of…
earning Century Club as a financial representative and earning Managers Round Table and Inner Circle as a manager. I hold the FIC and LUTC designations.
Before Modern Woodmen, I…
worked in a family automotive business.
I chose Modern Woodmen because…
I believe that Modern Woodmen of America is an organization that shares my principles and values and gives me the best opportunity to serve the people in my community.
The best part of my career is…
meeting and helping so many wonderful people and helping them protect their families with quality life insurance and retirement products.
A favorite moment in my career was when…
I've seen the promises kept. I have delivered many death claims, retirement checks, and dollars for emergencies over the years, and I feel good knowing that I was a part helping people prepare.