Mark R Cayler


Mark R Cayler


Modern Woodmen membership is about relationships. We take time to get to know you and your needs. Get to know me and how we might connect.

Contact Mark R Cayler
At work

At work

At work

Why I do what I do

I serve members in…

the great state of Kansas.

I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…

life insurance and annuities.

I attended…

Washburn University. Go Bods!

I am very proud of…

the Modern Woodmen members in our community and their incredible generosity and willingness to step up and help those in need. They are a fabulous part of a national organization that annually puts more than $20 million back into the communities we serve and makes an impact through social and educational events, volunteer projects and member benefits.

Before Modern Woodmen, I…

spent 23 years in corporate America. I'll tell you that I am blessed to have found this career. Corporate America gave me some unique skill sets. I loved the people I worked with, and it allowed me to discover my true passion: helping and teaching people. This passion is also shown by coaching youth athletics for the past 20 years. Modern Woodmen allows me to help and teach people about financial planning, a subject that can literally have LIFE-CHANGING results for them and their loved ones.

I chose Modern Woodmen because…

I believe in the organization - not only for how it supports members to help them reach their financial goals, but also for the way it supports my community and allows me to give back.

“My personal motto is, "Be the beacon of light in someone's darkness."”
At home

At home

At home

My life outside of work

My family includes…

my wife, Kimberly, and our three FANTASTIC children: Marisa, who graduated from Kansas State University and now works in the medical field: Blake, who is a great young man and would help anyone at the drop of a hat; and Brandi, who played softball for Ottawa University and is finishing her education at Washburn University to go into the medical field. I am incredibly proud of all they have achieved so far and of who they have become.

In my free time, you can find me…

coaching on the softball field. I have been at it for 20 years and don't plan to stop anytime soon. I love when you can see a young athlete's eyes light up as they finally understand something new or gain a new skill set. Additionally, both of my daughters now coach with me, giving back to younger athletes and the sport they grew up loving. What really drives me is knowing the athletes are learning countless life lessons on the diamond -- lessons they'll be able to apply throughout their lives.

My greatest blessing is…

my family.

My personal motto is…

"Be the beacon of light in someone's darkness."

Community impact

In the community

In the community

My local community impact

I have lived in my community…

my entire life. Topeka will always be my home.

What I like best about my community is…

that everywhere I go, I know someone.

My favorite volunteer activities are…

anything where I can help children of our community.

It’s very important to me to support my community. My favorite Modern Woodmen programs are:

Matching Fund projects to raise money for those in need.


Contact me

Let’s connect

We can help you review your needs and plan for your financial future throughout life. (Learn more about Modern Woodmen's Planning for Life system and products.) Because Modern Woodmen is a fraternal financial services organization, we can also explore the benefits of being a member.

Your financial goal(s)
I’m interested in learning more about:
Modern Woodmen is licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products in most states. This information should not be considered a solicitation in those states where Modern Woodmen is not licensed.

Let’s plan together for…

Please select…

Select a financial goal from the drop-down menu to find helpful tips and articles.

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