Mina Mostoufi


Mina Mostoufi


Modern Woodmen membership is about relationships. We take time to get to know you and your needs. Get to know me and how we might connect.

Contact Mina Mostoufi
At work

At work

At work

Why I do what I do

Why I do what I do

I’m passionate about helping my members determine their financial goals. We work together to create a plan based on their unique needs.

I serve members in…

Sacramento County.

I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…

life insurance and annuities.

I enjoy working with…

families and individuals to plan for a secure financial future.

I attended…

University of San Francisco.

I am very proud of…

many years of helping people achieve their financial goals.

Before Modern Woodmen, I…

was a retail manager at the Tandy Corporation.

I chose Modern Woodmen because…

I believe in our culture and philosophy: helping others reach their financial goals and giving back to my community.

The best part of my career is…

helping so many people find a new career in financial services.

A favorite moment in my career was when…

exchanging ideas with my colleagues at sales conferences and employees at our home office.

“I’m passionate about helping my members determine their financial goals. We work together to help create a plan based on their unique needs.”
At home

At home

At home

My life outside of work

My family includes…

my brothers and sisters.

In my free time, you can find me…

cooking and gardening.

I’m passionate about…

helping people. Even the smallest thing can make a difference in somebody's life.

My greatest blessing is…

my health and my family.

My personal motto is…

Be helpful to somebody every day.

My hidden talent is…

I'm a master chef and baker. I love baking sweets!

Community impact

In the community

In the community

My local community impact

I have lived in my community…

for 45 years.

What I like best about my community is…

it's safe, quiet and very people oriented. Neighbors look after one another.

I’m a member of…

the California FIC.

My favorite volunteer activities are…

providing meals for people in need.

It’s very important to me to support my community. My favorite Modern Woodmen programs are:

donating educational programs.

My favorite memory from a fraternal event is…

when I helped my chapters raise money for foster kids. We raised $22,500 total and helped the foster organization place two siblings in the same home. I'm most passionate about helping kids have a better life.


we raised money for homeless veterans and their families to have a three-day retreat. They received three hot meals a day, a shower and grooming, and clean clothes and sleeping bags.

Featured story

Featured story

Featured Story Image

Helping orphans when they needed it most

I was personally involved in delivering orphan support benefits to four kids, ages 8-14, who lost their parents. With the parents' gift of life insurance, the grandparents had money to raise the kids. They were so touched I found them when they didn't even know the parents had life insurance -- and we paid them first before anyone else. Now, the children are grown and are members of mine.


Contact me

Let’s connect

We can help you review your needs and plan for your financial future throughout life. (Learn more about Modern Woodmen's Planning for Life system and products.) Because Modern Woodmen is a fraternal financial services organization, we can also explore the benefits of being a member.

Your financial goal(s)
I’m interested in learning more about:
Modern Woodmen is licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products in most states. This information should not be considered a solicitation in those states where Modern Woodmen is not licensed.
Insurance Lic : CA 0709768

Let’s plan together for…

Please select…

Select a financial goal from the drop-down menu to find helpful tips and articles.

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