Marty Thompson

Photograph of Marty Thompson

Marty Thompson

Modern Woodmen membership is about relationships. We take time to get to know you and your needs. Get to know me and how we might connect.

Contact Marty Thompson
At work

At work

At work

Why I do what I do

Why I do what I do

I am so blessed to be able to meet all kinds of folks each and every day, and to assist with their life insurance and financial needs. All of us want to know that we are secure in life and that our loved ones are worry-free.

I serve members in…

The State of Georgia and the surrounding communities in central and south Georgia. Give me a call today!

I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…

life insurance and annuities.

I enjoy working with…

everyday people providing for their families, folks nearing retirement, and small-business owners and their employees. All are important parts of our community.

I attended…

to my work and professional growth through 39+ years of experience in the insurance and financial-needs area, as well as continued and ongoing education to meet my state's requirements and to learn about new products available to the public.

I am very proud of…

my life experiences in this market for 39+ years and maintaining lasting and successful relationships helping everyday folks!

Before Modern Woodmen, I…

developed skills in the insurance industry with other companies. I gained life experiences with my own family, and I also enjoy being involved in my community and local church.

I chose Modern Woodmen because…

it is a strong organization providing a diverse and usable set of products that meet the needs of our members. Modern Woodmen also provides a way to further support my area communities by giving back and helping everyday folks.

The best part of my career is…

creating long-lasting relationships with members, assisting them with life insurance and retirement planning to provide security for themselves and their families. It is a blessing knowing you have helped make a positive impact on lives.

A favorite moment in my career was when…

I was able to provide a local chicken farmer a better solution to help him prepare for retirement. You never know who you are going to meet each and every day. I also remember a time when a member called me at 3 a.m. to share that their father had passed and they did not know what to do first with his life insurance policy. I immediately took over and told them not to worry and that I would take care of this for them so they could mourn their dad. So many stories.


my career has been so blessed over my 39+ years in being able to simply help folks. Everyone is unique and has different needs, and my experience has taught me how to be there when I am needed the most.

“I am so blessed to be able to meet all kinds of folks each and every day, and to assist with their life insurance and financial needs. All of us want to know that we are secure in life and that our loved ones are worry-free.”
At home

At home

At home

My life outside of work

My family includes…

my wife, Tammy. We are blessed to now have grandchildren -- a whole new experience!

In my free time, you can find me…

fishing, enjoying time in my garden, spending time with our grandkids, being part of our local church or spending time with our families.

I’m passionate about…

my family and friends. I also love being involved in our local church and community! (And don't forget fishing!)

My greatest blessing is…

my family, teasing my friends, my health and loving the Lord.

My personal motto is…

always be kind to everyone. You never know what kind of day a person is having, and your one kind word can change their world.

My hidden talent is…

I love growing my own veggies, cooking on my smoker grill, and making people laugh.


I love loving my wife!

Community impact

In the community

In the community

My local community impact

I have lived in my community…

my entire life.

What I like best about my community is…

it is my home; many wonderful people help make it home by being there for one another.

I’m a member of…

my local church, a local community arts organization, local historical society, and a local brotherhood that helps with area families.

My favorite volunteer activities are…

with my church and local civic organizations, hands-on activities that show immediate results and helping area families.

It’s very important to me to support my community. My favorite Modern Woodmen programs are:

Matching Fund projects to raise money for those in need.

My favorite memory from a fraternal event is…

when we participated in a community event where we able to match funds raised ($2,500) and invite area members to come and attend. It was one of the first community events many had attended, since most folks had been social distancing due to COVID. It was a huge success and a fun time was had by all.


help us give back to our area communities through our fraternal programs -- let me know how we can help and give back!


Contact me

Let’s connect

We can help you review your needs and plan for your financial future throughout life. (Learn more about Modern Woodmen's Planning for Life system and products.) Because Modern Woodmen is a fraternal financial services organization, we can also explore the benefits of being a member.

Your financial goal(s)
I’m interested in learning more about:
Modern Woodmen is licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products in most states. This information should not be considered a solicitation in those states where Modern Woodmen is not licensed.

Let’s plan together for…

Please select…

Select a financial goal from the drop-down menu to find helpful tips and articles.

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