Why I do what I do
Why I do what I do
I am so blessed to be able to make a living by helping others as well as their communities. Each day, I sit down and help people overcome financial concerns and obstacles. I also get to help my community with our fraternal programs and activities. It’s very rewarding to be able to do what I do.
I serve members in…
I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…
life insurance, annuities, mutual funds and variable annuities.
I enjoy working with…
Individuals, families and small businesses.
I attended…
Fairleigh Dickinson University and did my masters at Winthrop.
I am very proud of…
serving on various boards including NAIFA (National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors) and the AAFB (Arizona Association of Food Banks).
Before Modern Woodmen, I…
worked in corporate America in finance for 28 years.
I chose Modern Woodmen because…
it's a fraternal and its bond is community. Modern Woodmen supports me and allows me to give back to others.
The best part of my career is…
working with people and being able to help, whether that help comes in a financial product or in support of a cause.