Why I do what I do
Why I do what I do
I feel like this career chose me! I found Modern Woodmen while looking to help schools with programs. I help people with their financial future and helping their community. It's so satisfying -- that's what keeps me here!
I serve members in…
Michigan and by referral.
I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…
life insurance, annuities, mutual funds and variable annuities.
I enjoy working with…
families and small businesses.
I attended…
Michigan State Insurance School.
I am very proud of…
being a consistent winner of the National Quality Award.
Before Modern Woodmen, I…
worked for many years as an assistant to the controller of a local company.
I chose Modern Woodmen because…
I love helping people reach their financial goals while helping our community.
The best part of my career is…
meeting a lot of beautiful people.
A favorite moment in my career was when…
I delivered a $25,000 benefit to a family whose 21-year-old son died in a terrible automobile accident. They didn't even realize the certificate was still in force, and had been worried about how to pay for his funeral expenses.
I love working side-by-side with people who have become my second family.