Anthony Myatt


Anthony Myatt


Modern Woodmen membership is about relationships. We take time to get to know you and your needs. Get to know me and how we might connect.

Contact Anthony Myatt
At work

At work

At work

Why I do what I do

Why I do what I do

I am so blessed to be able to make a living by helping others as well as their communities. Each day, I sit down and help people overcome financial concerns and obstacles. I also get to help my community with our fraternal programs and activities. It’s very rewarding to be able to do what I do.

I serve members in…

all of South Central Kentucky and Northern Tennessee.

I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…

life insurance, annuities, mutual funds and variable annuities.

I enjoy working with…

businesses of all types and sizes, but my favorite clients are families.

I attended…

Western Kentucky University.

I am very proud of…

reaching Modern Woodmen's top 100 in 2015.

Before Modern Woodmen, I…

was a dairy farmer most of my life, then managed a local business for five years.

I chose Modern Woodmen because…

of the culture of caring with this organization. I have the opportunity to work in an industry I enjoy with some of the best lineup of products and services I have seen.

The best part of my career is…

helping families tackle some of the most important and stressful decisions they have to make. Planning for today and tomorrow requires a lot of skill, but mostly the ability to listen.

A favorite moment in my career was when…

I helped an older gentleman plan his estate. This was something that had been put off for years because of the complicated nature of his estate. When we finished we met with all the family members, and I explained how things would be handled and all were happy to have it taken care of. I was rewarded with a hug from all involved.


I thank God every day for leading me to the career I have today.

“The best part of my career is helping families tackle some of the most important and stressful decisions they have to make. Planning for today and tomorrow requires a lot of skill, but mostly the ability to listen.”
At home

At home

At home

My life outside of work

My family includes…

my wife Stacy (my biggest supporter), and my three kids Jacob, Jourdan and Michelle.

In my free time, you can find me…

at home in the garden or yard. Golf is always nice when I can.

I’m passionate about…

UK basketball.

My greatest blessing is…

my family, my church and serving as a church speaker for Gideons International.

My personal motto is…

Learn each day, give each day, and let God take care of the rest.

My hidden talent is…

cooking, I suppose.


I can't forget to mention my dog, Lacy.

Community impact

In the community

In the community

My local community impact

I have lived in my community…

all my life.

What I like best about my community is…

the rural farming areas - the best places to live and work.

I’m a member of…

the chamber of commerce and Gideons International, and I have served on numerous community boards.

My favorite volunteer activities are…

working with kids.

It’s very important to me to support my community. My favorite Modern Woodmen programs are:

Matching Fund projects to raise money for those in need.

My favorite memory from a fraternal event is…

helping a group that works with autistic kids.


the privilege to help member clients with things they cannot do on their own is always a humbling experience.

Current insights

Current insights

Modern Woodmen's Final Wishes Resources helps you write out your end-of-life planning. This step-by-step guide can assist your loved ones in carrying out your final wishes. Ask me how to order yours today. #LIAM24

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. This month serves as a reminder to think about your life insurance needs and reevaluate your existing coverage. Life insurance is the foundation of financial planning. It helps protect what’s most important and helps you feel secure in case of tragedy. Is your family covered? Let's talk. #LIAM24

What's the best way to save for your child's education? By starting a college savings plan early. Let's explore your options.

Providing for your family in case of tragedy – Modern Woodmen of America

Modern Woodmen's Orphan Support Benefit helps parents feel secure knowing their children will be provided for - no matter what happens. Hear from the Vitagliano family about how Modern Woodmen supports their family.


Contact me

Let’s connect

We can help you review your needs and plan for your financial future throughout life. (Learn more about Modern Woodmen's Planning for Life system and products.) Because Modern Woodmen is a fraternal financial services organization, we can also explore the benefits of being a member.

Your financial goal(s)
I’m interested in learning more about:
Modern Woodmen is licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products in most states. This information should not be considered a solicitation in those states where Modern Woodmen is not licensed.

Securities offered through MWA Financial Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America, 1701 1st Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, 309-558-3100. Member: FINRA, SIPC. Products are available in most states. Individual representatives may not be licensed to sell all products. Check the background on either the firm or the representative on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.

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