Justin Harness


Justin Harness


Regional Director

Modern Woodmen membership is about relationships. We take time to get to know you and your needs. Get to know me and how we might connect.

Contact Justin Harness
About me

About me

About me

Who I am at and outside of work

My family includes…

my wife, Cyndee, my two sons, Coleton and Jacob, and my daughter, Chloe.

I'm a member of…

the board of the Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce, and I attend First Christian Church in Salem, Illinois.

I'm passionate about…

life, and my opportunity to help families prepare for their futures.

In my free time you'll probably find me…

hunting, fishing or golfing -- when I'm not with my wife in the stands cheering for one of our children at a football, basketball or baseball game, or a track or cross-country meet.

“My family includes my wife, Cyndee, my two sons, Coleton and Jacob, and my daughter, Chloe.”
Our team

Our team

Our team

Who & how we serve

Our team includes…

our administrative staff, Patty and Carrie, our managing partners, Nathan Shupe and Aaron Hale, and 15 financial representatives.

We serve members in…

southern Illinois.

We’re passionate about…

providing our members with sound financial advice based on their unique personal needs. We believe in building trusting relationships, and that the foundation of any good financial plan starts with protection: life insurance.

We focus on…

helping people plan for life, from protection to retirement. We are a full-service financial services provider. Our representatives work to help understand your specific needs and goals and develop a plan to meet them.

We're unique because…

we are a fraternal organization, and we are truly committed to the communities we serve -- not only in how we help our members meet their financial needs and goals, but also in how we help our local communities and schools through our fraternal activities and programs. Last year, our region contributed $1,351,306 to Southern Illinois through these fraternal activities and programs.

Our current career opportunities include…

positions as financial representatives or managing partners in the southern Illinois area. We have a Pathway to Leadership program that puts the right candidates onto a leadership development path from day one.


We are richly rewarded both monetarily and personally for the work we do. The work we do helps others protect against the worst days in their lives and prepares them for the best days in their lives.

Community impact

Community impact

Community impact

How we make a difference

We feel it’s important to support the communities we serve because…

Modern Woodmen was founded on the principle of giving back, and active communities where volunteerism is abundant make ideal communities to raise our families.

We feel strongly about supporting our communities at a local level. One way we're able to make a positive impact is through Modern Woodmen activities and programs. We especially enjoy:

Matching Fund projects to raise money for those in need.

Our philosophy on volunteering is…

we get so much more than we give when we help our communities and our families.

Current insights

Current insights

Modern Woodmen's Final Wishes Resources helps you write out your end-of-life planning. This step-by-step guide can assist your loved ones in carrying out your final wishes. Ask me how to order yours today. https://www.modernwoodmen.org/my-membership/member-benefits/final-wishes-resources/ #LIAM24

For the second year in a row, Modern Woodmen was named to Forbes' list of the world's best life insurance companies. Want to find out why? Give me a call today. https://www.modernwoodmen.org/Forbes2024/

September is Life Insurance Awareness Month. This month serves as a reminder to think about your life insurance needs and reevaluate your existing coverage. Life insurance is the foundation of financial planning. It helps protect what’s most important and helps you feel secure in case of tragedy. Is your family covered? Let's talk. https://www.modernwoodmen.org/about-us/news-and-media/september-is-life-insurance-awareness-month/ #LIAM24

Entering your final year of college? Not sure what comes next? A Modern Woodmen career can offer flexibility, great income and benefits, and the reward of making a real impact in people's lives. Contact me to learn more!


Contact me

Let’s connect

We can help you review your needs and plan for your financial future throughout life. (Learn more about Modern Woodmen's Planning for Life system and products.) Because Modern Woodmen is a fraternal financial services organization, we can also explore the benefits of being a member.

Your financial goal(s)
I’m interested in learning more about:
Modern Woodmen is licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products in most states. This information should not be considered a solicitation in those states where Modern Woodmen is not licensed.

Securities offered through MWA Financial Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America, 1701 1st Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, 309-558-3100. Member: FINRA, SIPC. Products are available in most states. Individual representatives may not be licensed to sell all products. Check the background on either the firm or the representative on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.

Let’s plan together for…

Please select…

Select a financial goal from the drop-down menu to find helpful tips and articles.

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