Why I do what I do
Why I do what I do
I am passionate about working with small-business owners because my dad is one. I want to provide people with a secure financial future.
I serve members in…
Orange County, Riverside County and Los Angles County.
I enjoy working with…
small-business owners, individuals who are seeking financial guidance, and young professionals who are looking to start accomplishing their financial goals.
I attended…
Mater Dei High School, and then went on to be captain of the OCC men's volleyball team. After that I received my bachelor's in finance from California State University Fullerton.
Before Modern Woodmen, I…
was captain of my college volleyball team. I then took on the role of responsible managing officer of my family's hardwood flooring company.
I chose Modern Woodmen because…
I believe in creating a strong community, and Modern Woodmen does a great job of that, not only through providing financial security to its members, but also by allowing me to support and give back to my community.
The best part of my career is…
having the opportunity to make a positive impact in my community and allowing my members to know their financial future is set.