Paula Kurecka


Paula Kurecka


Modern Woodmen membership is about relationships. We take time to get to know you and your needs. Get to know me and how we might connect.

Contact Paula Kurecka
At work

At work

At work

Why I do what I do

Why I do what I do

I am so blessed to be able to work with a company such as Modern Woodmen to help individuals in my community with the decisions they have for the current and future needs they have. Each day, I sit down and help people overcome financial concerns and obstacles. I also get to help my community with our fraternal programs and activities. It’s very rewarding to be able to do what I do.

I serve members in…

my community. I am truly blessed to be able to give back to others. I volunteer through the local Advocates for Special People, Salvation Army, Trinity Sports, Communities and Schools, local nursing homes and schools; with Modern Woodmen chapters, Summit chapters, and youth clubs; and in our church community. I have always found that paying things forward brings such an internal reward.

I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…

life insurance, annuities, mutual funds and variable annuities.

I enjoy working with…

the senior community and local schools through after-school programs. When you work with our seniors and military members, you can learn a lot about the history of our nation. With children, who will be the future of America, you can learn some of the simplest things to help you navigate through a lot of the technology issues that I know I, and I'm sure others, find difficult.

I attended…

the Junior College of Tyler in Tyler, Texas. I also continue to educate myself through training and education classes, which keep me updated with various changes.

I am very proud of…

being a member as well as a representative of Modern Woodmen for more than 10 years. As a representative, I have earned a spot in Modern Woodmen's President's Cabinet, President's Club or Century Club all 10 years. I was also named Financial Representative of the Year in my local region for each of my 9 years in this region.

Before Modern Woodmen, I…

worked in the sales industry for 11 years. I've finally found a home to build my career. It is hard to believe I have been able to do what I love for over 20 years.

I chose Modern Woodmen because…

of what they do for our members as well as individuals of the community itself. I believe in Modern Woodmen for the support they give our members and representatives, which allows me the opportunity to give back to others. During this time of sheltering in place, Modern Woodmen has adapted to changes that allow us to continue to serve those members.

The best part of my career is…

helping others as much as possible to make sure that in an unforeseen event, the livelihood of the family can continue. When I first started in the business, I helped a good friend, who had no existing life insurance, purchase coverage. Just a little over 10 years ago, he passed away due to a head injury. Had I not pushed the issue, his spouse told me they would not be able to survive at that time, as they had two children in college. Sense then, both children have graduated college and started a careers of their own,

A favorite moment in my career was when…

I was able to step in and help a family after the death of their mother. The family was given a difficult time by the funeral home, but I was able to turn the process around for the family. They could continue on and have the planned service, knowing that Modern Woodmen was going to pay the death claim. During a time of uncertainty, it is important that our members feel confident in knowing that Modern Woodmen is there to help them. After all, this is the foundation we have built on since 1883.


I enjoy the many smiles on children's faces when we are able to provide Modern Woodmen's MoneyMasters programs to their schools. The programs help our children have a much-needed and enjoyable education. I also enjoy helping local teachers with much-needed school supplies and items on their own personal wish lists.

“I am so blessed to be able to make a living by helping others and their communities. Each day, I sit down and help people overcome financial concerns and obstacles. I also get to help my community with our fraternal programs and activities. It’s very rewarding to be able to do what I do.”
At home

At home

At home

My life outside of work

My family includes…

my husband of 24 years, Tim, and our daughter, Samantha.

In my free time, you can find me…

working on school projects, attending one of my daughter's violin concerts, participating in various activities through our church, or helping out the teachers of a local school I have partnered with on their various community projects.

I’m passionate about…

helping and giving back to others through local activities, such as feeding the local homeless and volunteering at the Ronald McDonald House, and spending time outdoors gardening.

My greatest blessing is…

my husband, Tim. He has taught me so much in life, including the importance of patience and just relaxing with others, along with building a relationship not only for now but for a lifetime. Don't ever take things for granted. Live each moment as if it was your last. My father always taught me to treat each day as if it was you last, and live it to the fullest.

My personal motto is…

the good ol' Golden Rule. Treat others as you want to be treated.

My hidden talent is…

singing on Sundays.

Community impact

In the community

In the community

My local community impact

I have lived in my community…

my entire life.

What I like best about my community is…

it is home. People genuinely do care about your well-being.

I’m a member of…

Trinity United Methodist, Arlington Optimists and Trinity Sports. I also volunteer with Advocates for Special People.

My favorite volunteer activities are…

anything that has to do with giving back to the community. I love helping my local schools and the teachers with things to help their classrooms run more efficiently.

It’s very important to me to support my community. My favorite Modern Woodmen programs are:

volunteering alongside other Modern Woodmen members.

My favorite memory from a fraternal event is…

when I was able to donate board games to a lower-income elementary school so that on those cold, wet and rainy days, when the students weren't able to go outside and play, they had the opportunity to do something fun.

Current insights

Current insights

Are you ready to take a step towards a secure financial future? I can help.


Contact me

Let’s connect

We can help you review your needs and plan for your financial future throughout life. (Learn more about Modern Woodmen's Planning for Life system and products.) Because Modern Woodmen is a fraternal financial services organization, we can also explore the benefits of being a member.

Your financial goal(s)
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Modern Woodmen is licensed to sell life insurance and annuity products in most states. This information should not be considered a solicitation in those states where Modern Woodmen is not licensed.

Securities offered through MWA Financial Services Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America, 1701 1st Avenue, Rock Island, IL 61201, 309-558-3100. Member: FINRA, SIPC. Products are available in most states. Individual representatives may not be licensed to sell all products. Check the background on either the firm or the representative on FINRA’s BrokerCheck.

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