Why I do what I do
Why I do what I do
I’m passionate about helping my members determine their financial goals. We work together to create a plan based on their unique needs.
I serve members in…
colorful, sunny Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, Arizona, and more states coming soon.
I can help you plan for life using a variety of tools, including…
life insurance and annuities.
I enjoy working with…
families, small-business owners, schools, individuals, those approaching retirement, LGBTQ+ individuals, basically, everyone!
I attended…
Kaplan University and Modern Woodmen University.
I am very proud of…
earning my Sure Start Award through Modern Woodmen. I am also proud of earning my FIC designation. I am proud of the work Modern Woodmen does for the community.
Before Modern Woodmen, I…
worked in the medical field for 16 years, I then worked for another financial services company. I also currently run a nonprofit that promotes health and wellness.
I chose Modern Woodmen because…
I believe in what we do as an organization. I love all the benefits available to our members. I love helping members reach their financial goals, and I love the way Modern Woodmen supports my community and allows me to give back in ways I never imagined.
The best part of my career is…
helping my members and potential members plan for financial security, whether it's planning for their retirement, gaining life insurance protection or just going over the benefits. It feels great to make a positive impact on their lives.
A favorite moment in my career was when…
I saw the "aha!" moment on my client's face -- that moment when their financial situation became understandable.
I just love helping people feel financially secure and comfortable!